Monday 28 January 2013

Discover "Elimination Communication" (EC)

So your baby is around 2 years old and you feel it is time to bring the potty into the bathroom and introducing them to the idea of ‘’no more diapers’’. In the next few months, you will endure many accidents, rushing to the potty in a panic and be asking the hard questions.

As I was looking for some tips and advice on the potty training technique, I discovered an article talking about ‘’Elimination Communication’’. As I started to read, I was more and more amazed. Elimination Communication, (also called infant potty training, natural infant hygiene, potty whispering) is a technique that can be apply almost from birth. The idea is that your baby will communicate you their need to wee or poo. With a bit of practice, you will recognize these signs and hold your baby over the sink or the potty when it’s time for them to do what they have to do.
I was shocked to discover that this training results in a nappy free baby, sometimes from the age of 1!!!

I also thought that this technique was new age and was coming with the wave of a more eco-friendly way of life, but I was wrong. Elimination Communication was and is largely used in the world, especially in India,  Asia and Africa. The movement started with Ingrid Bauer who, after traveling in these areas of the world, wrote the book ‘’Diaper Free! The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene (2001)’’ (See link at the end of this post). During her trip, she observed all these mums carrying diaper free babies and at her big surprise, there was no mess to be seen.

When she came back, she spread the word and “Elimination  Communication” started to become popular.

The technique has some obvious advantages :
-Environmentally speaking your baby will have a reduced impact on our landfills.
-Diaper problems such as diaper rash, urinary tract infection etc. will be eliminated
-No more  battling  with your baby to change a nappy
- It’s Free for the family : no diapers, no rash cream to buy
-You create a unique bond with your baby
-The squat or potty position seems more comfortable for babies as it relaxes the pelvic floor muscles.
-When it’s time, potty training will be more easy as baby is already used to go on the potty, nothing new to learn!
-EC helps children to understand better and quicker their body, helps for their self-esteem, help them to understand cleanliness quicker.

That seems wonderful, doesn’t it? Hang on a minute, even if I believe that this technique is terrific, there are some disadvantages:
-Some experts think that potty training a baby too early could be stressful and psychologically damaging
-It can be challenging if you have to go back to work
-You will certainly encounter accidents, especially at the beginning.
-It can be challenging to apply when you are not at home

This technique is better if started before the age of 6 months (after that it is not impossible but it seems that your baby will be used to wearing nappies full-time and it is more difficult for them to understand EC) because it is not based on the same action. Traditionally potty training starts around the age of 2 years old and will ask your baby to hold on before they arrive to the potty. EC will ask your little one to let go when the time is right.

There are four important components in Elimination Communication, which are intuition, timing, cueing and signals.

As per parents who practice EC, intuition is an essential component. With time, the parents will feel when their baby needs to wee or poo and will take the necessary steps.

New-borns and Toddlers are often really regular in their elimination , it can be after eating, walking, sleeping or a bath. Time in between elimination will increase as your baby gets older. Every child is different and has their own routine.

This is when you will make a sound or another cue to indicate to your baby that he is allowed to go. For example, you can make a ’’ssss” or a ‘’shhhhhh’’  when baby is on the potty and ready to go. When you start EC with your new born, you will have to be aware of your baby’s signals and to do the cue when they are eliminating. Soon enough, they will associate this cue with the action of elimination. Within a few weeks this cue will become the signal for the baby to pee or poo. Therefore when they are in an appropriate place for it, you will make the cue and they will eliminate.

It is the way your baby will indicate to you that they need to eliminate. Depending of your baby (sometimes there are no signs, unfortunately), it will be really clear. It can vary a lot but generally your baby will communicate with a particular cry, squirming facial expression, grunt or pass gas…

This technique is non-conventional and if you chose to use it, it is likely that you will encounter many questions and perhaps judgments from other people. There are many advantages as well as inconveniences, but you will decide to use EC if you think it is worth it and if it suits your families lifestyle.

Many parents that are using this technique will tell you that it is not always easy but you will need to adapt your life as well. You do not have to do it full time, diapering your baby from time to time when you are out of the house, for a long car trip or even for day care will not be an obstacle to the success of EC.

We would love to hear from you and your experiences on "Elimination Communication". Don’t hesitate to let us know what you think.

References :

-I read this blog and I found that this story was pretty good. It gives a good idea of what you will encounter with EC :

-This video will give you a good idea of what EC is as well :

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